All children aged 2, 3 and 4 years are welcome to join our setting. You will need to complete a registration form and provisional booking form. You will receive a confirmation of place and when we receive your acceptance form your child’s place will be secured.A
Registration Fee
There is a non-refundable £35 registration fee that includes a t-shirt for your child. Fully funded places will not be charged a registration fee.
Fees and Invoices
All fees are charged half termly and must be paid prior to the start of a new term. Fees will be invoiced to the person(s) named of the registration form. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the Pre-School, including sickness and any holidays taken when the Pre-School is open. Fees are reviewed annually and so any increases will only occur once during the year. Any such increase will be notified by the Pre-School at least one half term in advance of the increase being applied.
A half terms written notice is required if you no longer require the place, if you wish to withdraw your child or make changes to your child’s session days.
Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness or any other reason.
If Fees remain unpaid and go into arrears, the Pre-School have the right to deny the child a place at the Pre-School.
Opening Times
The Pre-School is open Monday 9am-3pm, Tuesday 9am-3pm, Wednesday 9am-3pm, Thursday 9am-3pm, and Friday 9am-2pm. The Pre-school is open term time only and is closed for all bank holidays.
Personal Property and belongings
The Pre-School cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any parents, carers or child’s property or belongings. Every reasonable effort will be made by the Pre-School staff to ensure that property or belongings of any parent, carer or child is not damaged. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled and we suggest that all toys, book and equipment are left at home. Parents are requested to send their children in, in clothes and shoes suitable for play and painting. Jewellery, heels and flip flops etc. restrict a child’s movement and can present a risk of injury.
The Pre-School has extensive insurance cover for Pre-School based activities and outings. Details of the insurance may be requested from the Pre-School owner. The Certificate is displayed on the Pre-School notice board.
The Pre-School accepts no liability for any losses suffered by parents arising directly or indirectly, as a result of the Pre-School being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of your child to the Pre-School for any reason. We accept no responsibility for children whilst in their parents care on Pre-School premises.
Accidents and Illness
The Pre-School reserves the right to administer first aid and any emergency treatment as required. Parents will be informed of all accidents and will be asked to sign and accident record form. If emergency treatment at hospital is required the Pre-School will make all reasonable attempts to contact the parents, but if this is not possible we are authorised to act on behalf of the parents and authorise any necessary emergency treatment.
We will administer medicines only if the parents have completed a medicine consent form.
We may require parents to withdraw their child from the Pre-School in the event that they require special medical care or attention which is not available or refused by the parent, or it is considered that the child is not well enough to attend Pre-School. We may also ask parents to withdraw their child from Pre-School if we have reasonable cause to believe that the child is suffering from or has suffered from any communicable disease or infection. Please refer to our health and illness and emergency policy regarding exclusion and incubation periods by which we are bound. Parents must inform the Pre-School if the child is suffering from any illness, sickness or allergies before attending the Pre-School. The Pre-School is mindful of the needs of working parents and will endeavour to provide continuity of service as possible within the recommendations of the health protection agency by which the Pre-School is bound.
These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement and understanding between the parents (including other carers) and the Pre-School. Any other understandings, agreements, warranties, conditions, terms and representations, whether verbal or written, expressed or implied are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. We reserve the right to update / amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. One month notice will be given of any changes made.